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8/10/2020 - 22/11/2020


Exhibiting artists:


Stephen Mather

Naomi Byrne

Adrianne Drury

Jon Bell

Zoe Steele

Hannah Foster

Yohanes Soubirius De Santo



In 1964 Everett C. Hughes noted the term ‘master status’ at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association. A master status is the primary identifying characteristic of an individual; the things a person most relates to when trying to express themselves to others. Identifying characteristics like race and ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, occupation, age, parenthood, disability and religion are important to our identities and influence how we act and how others perceive us. Hughes defined the master status as “the tendency… to believe that one label or demographic category is more significant than any other aspect of [a] person’s background, behaviour or performance”. Our master statuses can group us together, by our choosing or dictated by others. They impact our lives, both positively and negatively.


Pop^Up Scunthorpe invited artists of all mediums to submit to an open call around the theme of ‘identity’ for an exhibition exploring how we define ourselves. Submissions ranged from painting, photography, poetry, video art, collage and illustration.




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